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Who doesn’t enjoy waking up to the smell of fresh coffee in the morning? And if you have a coffee maker chances are you use ground coffee.

While many coffee makers consider switching to grinding their own beans, it definitely still holds true that most of us still resort to pre-ground coffee most of the time.

And when it comes to pre-ground, perhaps you got tired of that same brand you’ve been using for years now. Perhaps you could use a dose of fresh inspiration to try something new.

That’s where this post comes in! We’ve researched tons of ground coffees on the market to bring you only the best. If you’re looking to try out something new, then this post is for you!

  1. Volcanica Coffee – Ethiopian Yirgacheffe

This is a unique coffee that is harvested mainly from wild coffee trees. A medium roast with a sweet and complex flavor boasting hints of lemon and berry, this is one of the company’s best sellers by far – and we can see why.

It is grown in the Yirgacheffe region in the south of Ehiopia, one that is well known for coffees toned with floral and berry tones. Volcanica is also fair trade and organic certified.

They offer three different grind sizes: french press, drip or espresso. We highly recommend giving this one a shot!

  1. Lifeboost Light Roast Coffee

Lifeboost is a premium organic coffee brand.

Their light roast is a single origin hailing from the Nicaraguan Mountains, and is grown without use of pesticides, chemicals, GMOs or mycotoxins. Their coffee is also fair trade certified.

This one has a mild clean test free of bitterness. Think hints of caramel chocolate topped by a light and fruity flavor. It is also gentle on the stomach due to its naturally low levels of acid.

You won’t regret trying out this one if you like the idea of a fresh, organic, premium coffee!

  1. Death Wish Coffee – Dark Roast

A dramatic name this one has, doesn’t it? True to its name, this blend is certainly not one for the faint hearted. It has twice as much caffeine than a normal coffee (or more) and that comes with incredibly strong flavors.

The dark roast beans make for an almost burnt flavor but also dark chocolate according to some palates. But this is exactly why many customers love it.

This roast will shine when brewed with drip machines or French press. If you like your coffee strong, give this one a shot!

  1. Koa Coffee – Medium Roast

Koa have long made a name for themselves in the pre-ground coffee world. They are probably the most widely known producer of the award-winning Kona coffee. It is grown on the Kona coffee belt in Hawaii.

Hailing from one of the best coffee growing regions in the world, it is definitely one of the most intriguing options on our list! Albeit on the expensive side, if you like your coffee smooth and rich with hints of fruit, try this!

  1. Kicking Horse Coffee Smart Ass Blend

Kicking Horse has a srong following of coffee lovers and is one of the most popular pre-grounds on Amazon – and we think this is for good reason. They have 6 different varieties that range from light roasts to dark ones.

This Smart Ass blend is a medium roast and comes with chocolaty flavors together with a fruity aroma.

A particularly good choice when used with a drip machine or cold brew.

  1. New England Coffee Medium Roast

Albeit not super popular, the New England Coffee brand is over 100 years old and is a staple among coffee connoisseurs.

All of that experience truly shows with this Medium Roast they offer. Flavors available include blueberry, french vanilla, donut shop, pumpkin spice and more.

If like many others you enjoy flavored coffee, I would definitely give this one a shot.

It is one of a kind!

Things To Consider When Choosing Your Coffee

Make sure you consider the type of roast you prefer (light to dark), the grind size (based on your brewing method of choice) and of course the flavor profile.

Everyone has different tastes when it comes to coffee, and that’s a good thing.

Hopefully we’ve given you one or two new ideas to try out inside this post. And if so, let us know how your chosen coffee was – we’d love to hear back from you!